"Yo quiero ser..." (I want to be...)

Melissa as a marine biologist, complete with fins made by Dayan.

Angela the "monja"!

Karyn as a carpenter - the paper saw won't cut through much!

Madonna helps the kids write their personal goals on "estrellas"

Colleen, a dancer, and Melissa, a marine biologist, strike a pose!

Angela as an "astronauta". The kids are describing what an astronaut does in their career.

Madonna poses as a police officer, while the children tell us what a police officer does and how to become one.
Great pictures. Thank you.
Love the personal goals presentation pics! How did you determine who wore what? On a more serious note - you gave a wonderful gift to those kids!
Those costumes are great! It's settled. I'm gonna be a marine biologist this Halloween.
Bottle up some sunshine and warm weather and bring it back with you.
It's difficult to decide who is cuter--the kids or you guys :)
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