January 19, 2011

Health Care in Peru (H.I.P.)

Well we have definitely been busy and have so much to tell you. For now we decided to give you an update on one of the things we care about most- health care! Aside from all the wonderful food- more to come from Shawna on that- we have been feasting on some food for thought. You see what I did there? Here are some morsels for you digest.

1) Public H.I.P. - similar to say... Oh Canada! Peru has a public health care system that provides care to the:
A) Extremely poor and Poor via "Seguro Integrad de Salud" (SIS) which is free.
B) Employees/Companies via "Es Salud" which has some minimal cost covered by employers or those that can afford.
C) Policia y Armed forces

2) Private H.I.P. - similar to say... America the beautiful!
A) For Profit
B) Non-profit

Disclaimer: I have provided some well known reference health care systems but in no way is H.I.P., Canada or the US summed up in the above quick and dirty contrasts and comparisons.

Well enough theory let's see it in practice:

Hospital Belen: We will be working here over the coming 6 weeks focusing in pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, ob-gyn, family med and psych.

Bella Vista Health Center in Nuevo Jerusalen: The doctors, dentists and nurses are really excited to work with us and us with them. Especially as part of their TB program.

Jerusalen Health Center: We have already started working along side the doctor(a)s and nurses (enfermero(a)s) doing well child checks, psicoprophylaxis (preparation for joys and wonders of pregnancy, birth and the bliss thereafter), vaccinations and HIV screening of new mothers.

It's been three short days here in Trujillo and while the above is just a snapshot of what we have experienced we look forward to learning more about H.I.P. and bringing you more news from the proverbial front lines. Be well. Salud!

1 comment:

MSU CHM Saginaw said...

Thank you so much for the update. It is great to see pictures of what you are doing and to hear your reaction to the experience thus far. Can't wait for Shawna's food diary!

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